SDC Summer School 2021

Theme: Estimation of siting conditions – wind resource, extreme wind, turbulence and load

SDC PhD summer workshop/school

Week 34
Venue: Online

This 5-day summer school will focus on Estimation of siting conditions – wind resource, extreme wind, turbulence and load.

Course coordinator: Xiaoli G. Larsén

Lecturers and topics



Jake Badger (DTU)

About Wind Atlases – what is a wind atlas, why do we have them, how are they made, how do we use them

Andrea Hahmann (DTU)

Mesoscale modeling for wind resource assessment and other applications

Rong Zhu (CMA)

The China Case: Wind resources

Merete Badger (DTU)

Wind resources from satellite observations

Jana Fischereit (DTU)

Mesoscale wind farm wake effect from numerical modeling

Pierre-Elouan Réthoré (DTU)

Micro-scale wake models for estimating annual energy production and extreme/fatigue loads

Morten Nielsen (DTU)

Wind conditions for assessment of wind turbine safety

Xiaoli G. Larsén (DTU)

Methodologies and atlases for extreme wind

David Verelst (DTU)

How wind drives turbine loads and how that affects"everything".

Julia Kirkegård

and Tom Cronin (DTU)

Siting from society’s perspective

(societal responses to technology, basic economics and some development)

Language of instruction: English

Points: 2.5 ECT

Location: virtual

Duration: 5 days.

Time: week 34.

Recommended prerequisites: Interest on the theme topics. A relevant Bachelor degree (e.g. B.Eng. or B. Sc.) or Master degree (e.g. M.Eng. or M.Sc.). A computational/programming language.

Fees: Free for students from Danish universities or the Chinese Academy of Science. Others €200.


More information and registration


man 23 aug 21 9:00 -
fre 27 aug 21 17:00

