
Our research spans the full spectrum of wind and energy systems. From investigating nanoscale structures to macro-scale atmospheric flow; from designing the turbines of tomorrow to the digital energy solutions of the future; from developing electric power systems to exploring more democratic processes for project planning.

We see four research trends in wind and energy systems research:

  • Virtual Prototyping
    Larger turbines increase the cost and time of testing. Using digital twins we can gradually shift prototyping development from physical to virtual tests. Our facilities, capabilities and simulation tools offer a unique environment to support these developments

  • Design4X
    The future of wind energy technology lies in intelligent design. We develop hard- and software for the next generation of turbines through system designs tailored to specific geographic and market conditions. We call this Design4X

  • Hybrid renewables
    Hybrid systems consisting of wind, solar, storage and P2X will be key to energy systems in the future. Our research applies expertise from power systems engineering, the social sciences and meteorology. Our aim is to develop novel methods for the design, operation, testing and modelling of hybrid parks

  • Integrated energy systems
    Sector coupling and flexibility is needed to be able make a resilient massive renewable based power system. Electrification is a major trend inclusive growth in mobility. Also a major research trend is H2 and P2X for “hard-to-adapt sector”. Our facilities are world class and attract researchers, industry and students from all over the world.


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