MSc forsvar Anatole Grapperon

Supervisorer: Professor Poul Ejnar Sørensen, DTU Vindenergi - Kaushik Das, DTU Vindenergi

Eksaminator: Programme Director Preben Jørgensen, DSB

Titel: Optimal hybrid park control strategy
This report presents a decision framework for respecting the market constraints and maximize the revenues of a wind and storage power plant. First wind and market prices forecasts have been refined by respectively using the DTU wind software CorWind and a long short term memory recurrent neural network. These forecast were used in a convex optimization algorithm for making day ahead decisions on battery operation. Finally an algorithm has been developed to operate in the balancing market. Several scenarios have been established in order to assess the performance of such an algorithm


tor 01 aug 19
13:00 - 15:00



DTU Risø Campus
Frederiksborgvej 399, bld. Poul LaCour mødelokale
4000 Roskilde